I've been enjoying myself watching the comments sections on
Minneapolis Star Tribune articles about the recount in the Minnesota gubernatorial race. Normally, conservatives leave more comments, but liberals and conservatives have a fairly even hold on "like" and "dislike" ratings. Not so much at the moment. If the votes here determined the outcome of the election, there would no question of a recount.

Let's just say Republicans should be really happy that there's no statewide election for another couple of years. Nor are their cries of "voter fraud!!!" getting much play. I don't think it would be wise for our new Republican-dominated state legislature to try to make too much of this particular nonissue.

Still, far and away, this is my favorite comment on this article.

1 comment:
There was a time not so long ago when professional sports couldn't hold a candle for popularity against hardball local politics and courtroom drama.
The way the national economy is headed, this could be the wave of the future, too.
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