January 26, 2009

The Comments Widget


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank PalMD, in whose Blogging 101 session I declared Recent Comments to be the single most important widget a blogger can have, and Lou, who sent me a widget that turned out not to work with my template, for getting me off my ass to find a widget I could use. Thanks also to Ben, who tracked down why a simple change in the (unformatted) Javascript to customize said widget made it stop working.

Anybody who wants a recent comments widget that works with the layout function in Blogger templates, just let me know.


Mme Piggy said...

I want it. How do I get it?

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Betül said...

Me too, how does it work?

Stephanie Zvan said...

Okay, code and instructions here.

Anonymous said...

Oh, um. WordPress has this feature built-in....

Stephanie Zvan said...

I know, Mike, and Blogger has one that works with old style of template, but they haven't had one for the new style. In fact, it was kind of a pain to find one, which is why I'm sharing.

Lou FCD said...

I'm glad you got it going. Recent comments really makes a crucial usability difference in a blog.

Rock on, Steph.