April 06, 2010

Beautiful Red Dress

Zuska has a good post up today about the choice for adult females to identify as girls rather than women. It's decidedly worth a read.

She ends with Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman," which was part of the soundtrack to my formative years. It was interesting hearing it again. My musical tastes have changed with the years, and they seem to have done so before I'd internalized all of the messages of the song. I appreciate it better on a fresh listen.

I am inspired, however, to post the song that replaced Reddy's in my musical lexicon.

Beautiful Red Dress

Well, push my button, baby. Here I come.

Yes, "girls" is used with distinct irony. And one more, a very short story.

She said, "Listen. Honey."

1 comment:

Silver Fox said...

Glad to hear some new songs like this, I too grew up w/ Helen Reddy's song - it still has a strong affect on me.