However, rather than wait for me to have the time that will take, I'll point you to DuWayne's new blog now. If you're not reading Traumatized By Truth already, you really should be. Even if you only read it occasionally, you know that he's interested in the treatment of addiction (and in everything else). Recently, however, the topic got even more personal.
I really need to quit smoking. It's not a "I want to quit," because I honestly don't. It's not a "I should quit," because that's obvious, but has done nothing to make it happen before. I need to quit. I need to quit because my kids need me to quit - I really wish that I could say that this is the one that has pushed me over the edge, but to my shame, I would be lying. If that were all it took, I would have quit nearly eight years ago. My continued/improved health and well being requires that I quit - again, if that were enough, I would have quit years ago. What it boils down to now is simple economics. Because as important as the other reasons that I need to quit are, not having the funds to smoke is a pretty solid barrier to my continuing to smoke.
Being a blogger, and the kind of guy who wants to help others, he's started a new blog, Quitters Blog. Being smart about quitting, he doesn't want to do it alone.
Would there be any interest from my ex-smoking readers, as well as those who are trying to or who are planning on quitting, in a blog project for you (and me) to post about our experience? I would love to throw up another blog around here and allow you all to post - with team posting privileges for those who want them.
And actually, I should also note that though I've gotten out of the habit since I resurrected this blog, I am all about having guest posters. I will be somewhat selective about what I post and will admit that my reasons may be pretty arbitrary, but I am all about hearing from you, if you want to post. I do recommend that you ask me before you write the post, so you don't end up writing something that I don't really want - but I really do like the idea of getting some other voices up around here and outside of comments. Finally, please don't assume that because you disagree with me on something, that I won't be willing to post your views - there are some things that I just won't, but that is not a common restriction for me.
So if you've got anything to add on the topic, head on over and tell him so.
Thanks Stephanie.
Oooo, thanks, I have a great way to quit smoking! :)
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